My High Divide Hike

If you’re a hiker, you need to check out the Seven Lakes Basin, The High Divide deep in the heart of the Olympic mountains.

Since we started dating my husband has talked about hiking this hike. It was his “favorite hike” and for the next 5 years he kept nudging but I kept resisting, not really sure why, I just did. Well finally this August we gathered up our things, packed out VERY heavy backpacks and headed out!

The first day was the hardest, I hardly took any photos I was so tired. I’ll be honest, I complained. But I’m a newbie, takes time to build up some endurance to hike. Hoping my next hike I won’t be such a wuss. Anyway, the second day was a lot better, once we got to Deer Lake and set up camp we started on our LONG hike but we had daypacks.

We climbed higher and higher and over rock slides, and under trees. Switchback after switchback and after what seemed like hours and hours we finally reached the Basin and Lunch Lake and after a bit further got to a completely unobstructed view of Mt Olympus. It was breath-taking. It was worth the buckets of sweat, the bugs constantly buzzing in my face and ears, and was totally worth every sore muscle.

I fully plan to go again, but next time a lighter pack and must make sure we make it to Lunch Lake for some swimming! I officially love hiking.

This is Deer Lake. This is where we set up our tent as it’s the most central location to be at. You set up your campsite and then you continue on the hike up to the divide and lakes. We didn’t get to spend very much time here sadly, but it was quite peaceful and busier than you would think. This just happened to be an early morning photo so you don’t see the 20+ other people that were camping nearby.

This shit was steeper than it looks! And near the center of the photo you can see what was a bit of a rock slide that we had to hike cross in order to get up here. That was hella sketcky, but thankfully we got across it without any problems. But it was like a one lane trail and we came across some other hikers. It’s all about taking turns and being safe on the trails!

Like, holy crap. That’s Mount Olympus to your left! The highest peak in all of the Olympic mountains. All three of my older brother’s have summited that peak before I did this hike. Maybe someday I will do the same.

But the fact that Jesse and i got to this point where there was NOTHING between us and the mountain is crazy! This view is not possible from Hurricane Ridge.

This photo was taken of my hubby, then an hour later the photo below was taken, the curve you see below left of the tree is where he was standing!! Hike, High Divide, Seven Lakes Basin

This photo was taken of my hubby, then an hour later the photo below was taken, the curve you see below left of the tree is where he was standing!!

We didn’t have enough time to hike all the way down there. But that is Lunch lake. This is apparently one of my husband’s favorite places to ever visit. I hope so day to actually make it down there with him.

Yes, I did in fact put some snow in my bladder so I could hike with fresh, ice cold water. It was amazing!

we put snow in our bladders (water pack) it was delicious! we put snow in our bladders (water pack) it was delicious!

This is the one photo from this hike that I printed up for my home.

I love the Seven Lakes Basin High Divid hike, but fuck, it did not like my feet one bit! They hurt SO MUCH after that 12 miles!

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